Autonomous Haulage Mining

Immersive Technologies are the only provider who have successfully developed and implemented simulation-based training solutions for in-field roles within an autonomous haulage environment.

5% Improvement in Autonomous Truck Cycle time

7% Improvement in Autonomous Truck Interchange time

20% Improvement in Autonomous Truck Queue time

Automation within the mining industry is transforming the nature of work performed by people both within the mine site and in the back office. Often, the importance of the role of the person working within autonomous operations is underestimated, particularly their ability to compensate for the unexpected. This underestimation can dilute or negate the benefits achievable from running an autonomous operation. Therefore, selecting the right people, effective training and upskilling strategies are key to ensuring a highly efficient autonomous operation.

Why is it important to select the right people to operate the right equipment?

Human errors and underperformance within an autonomous haulage environment will significantly impact operational efficiency and production. This is especially true for critical roles such as loading equipment operators who play a significant role in realizing the benefits of autonomous system implementation.

Why is it important to choose an effective training strategy upfront?

In-effective training approaches will lead to increased human errors due to poor understanding and low knowledge retention. This has significant impact on mine profitability risking safety, machine damage and productivity, along with limiting the speed of deployment significantly.

Immersive Technologies have deployed training solutions to the majority of autonomous haulage sites across the world. Below are some of the key objectives behind the deployment of these solutions.

Safety icon  Safety
  • Train and assess safe interaction with autonomous equipment and systems.
  • Reduce risk to people, property or equipment while training in a simulated environment.
Throughput icon  Throughput
  • Train a large number of people effectively in a short period of time.
  • Reduce in-field training time through the use of simulation.
Productivity icon  Productivity
  • Decrease human errors in the use of autonomous systems that have a significant impact to mine profitability.
  • Ensure the right people have been chosen to operate critical equipment (such as loading equipment operators who play a significant role in realizing the benefits of autonomous system implementation) without impacting production.
  • Reduce performance variability across key autonomous operational roles.
  • Reduce spot creation times, truck wait times and exception times for loading operators.
  • Consistently measure, assess and optimize the skills of key autonomous operational roles without impacting production.
  • Increase training effectiveness and learning retention to deliver high levels of competency within autonomous mining operations.

Real Results in Autonomous Mining Training

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