Increase Your Tire Life

Less Destructive Operators, More Profitable Operations

24% Tire Life Improvement

  • Reduce premature tire replacement
  • Improve haul truck fleet availability
  • Address global shortage of haulage fleet tires in times of high demand

Tires represent a key maintenance cost of modern haul trucks and a powerful area for cost containment. Poor operator practices lead to premature tire replacements.

This particularly affects mining operations in times of high demand and tire scarcity. Properly trained operators extend tire life without impacting productivity. Immersive Technologies delivers an average of 20% increased tire life through their Advanced Equipment Simulator training. This training gives equipment operators the skills and knowledge they need to operate in a productive manner while assessing and eliminating behaviors that cause unnecessary tire wear.

The simulator technology includes detailed monitoring of operator behaviors which directly impact tire wear including operation around spillage, dry steering, aggressive cornering and usage of service brakes at excessive speeds. This has resulted in an enhanced assessment tool for managers to determine which tire wear operator behaviors are most prevalent on their site and represent the greatest opportunities for cost reduction.

Real Results in Increased Tire Life

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