Operator Performance Analytics

Unlock the potential of your people to achieve significant improvements in safety, productivity and reliability.

Immersive Technologies’ Operator Performance Analytics is a business improvement service providing site stakeholders with accurate and timely intelligence on operator performance variability and training needs analysis. The service is structured to deliver immediate analysis across multiple data systems and critical information is presented within a dashboard tailored to stakeholder needs. This information can be actioned immediately by training and operations management.

Operator Performance Analytics connects the workforce development plan, disparate mine fleet data and training data into a comprehensive system for;

  • Improving safety
  • Providing insights into operational risk
  • Minimizing productivity loss
  • Minimizing machine health and abuse trends
  • Optimization of resource allocation for training and development

With a dedicated analytics center, a global workforce of training advisors and a proven best practice training methodology, Operator Performance Analytics provides your people with powerful insights to become more effective and efficient.

Operator Performance Analytics Key Areas of Interest

Operator Performance profile
Operator Performance profile

Exploring the overall workforce variability and individual operator overview.

Risk and Safety Analysis
Risk and Safety Analysis

Identify cohort of operators with high operator-induced events from machine health data.

Productivity Analysis
Productivity Analysis

Identify underperforming operators for each distinct productivity KPI.

Simulator Training Analysis
Simulator Training Analysis

Keep up to date on simulator training and the impact it has had on operator performance in the field.

Training needs Report
The Training Needs Analysis report

Report on the operators selected for simulator training.

Manage Remotely
Manage Remotely

Stay on top of sim training and operator performance anywhere and anytime.

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